2010 - A Day in the Life - week 14

April 4
The drive to the lake for Easter dinner. 
Yes, it is snowing, why do you ask?

April 5

The gymnast climbing on a continuous climbing wall at the local Children's Museum. 
(museum #1 for the week)

April 6

I live in the land of cottonwood trees.  These are at the "big" park in town. I love them. 
(park day #1)

April 7

Sweet Pea and Daddy coloring before bed. 
Not sure the last time this happened. 

April 8

At the Nevada State Museum. We watched the 7 change from a 6. 
(museum day #2)

April 9

Train Museum - Not sure what she was looking at, but very intent. 
(museum day #3)

April 10

The only park in town with swings for big kids.  I thought she might fly off of it at this point. 
(park day #2)

(So many museums and parks.  It was spring break for the local district, which meant all but one extracurricular activity was cancelled for the week.) Their school officially has spring break this next week.  But I'm making them work two of the days so when I head off to Texas they can play with T and not have to worry about school work.)


  1. Wow, those trees!! Gorgeous. And you're headed to Texas? Don't forget your boots. =>

  2. sometimes i want to borrow a kid so i can go to a park and just swing again. :) gorgeous snow - but in april?

  3. I enjoyed your pictures. What a great way to tell everybody what you've been up to!

  4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the tree picture! Beautiful branches!


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