2010 - A Day in the Life - week 16

Belatedly, my pictures from last week.

April 18
Anniversary flower.

April 19

Kitty in a box.

April 20

Weird cloud setting in the valley before it snowed.

April 21

Snow on my strawberry plants. 

April 22

Sauces for the yummy tri tip we had for T's birthday dinner.

April 23

Patchwork fields on the way from San Diego to San Antonio.

April 24
Christy's place.  

Many more pictures to follow from the fab weekend in Texas.  


  1. Your week looks like it was fabulous! Love the fields picture.

  2. Kitties in a box always make me smile. => Also, can't wait for the Tejas update!

  3. Great pictures! Can't wait to see more from your weekend :)

    The kitty in the box is classic. Mine loves them, too, and the smaller, the better. I can't believe what she'll cram herself into sometimes ;)

  4. gorgeous pictures of the snow!

  5. I love that picture from the plane - that is so cool!

    Miss you already girl...


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