Lighthearted challenge

So last Monday evening myself, T, my mom, and my uncle went to a Reno Ace's baseball game.  My uncle is a die-hard baseball fan.  He drives the team bus for the Quakes and loves being able to get paid for his time while he watches the game.  (He's also my honored teammate for Team In Training.  I'm almost at my goal.  Help a girl out and go here and donate. Please?) 

But I was taking pictures at the game, because well I had my camera and I haven't been to a baseball game since I was 11.  This is one of the many I took.

And it tickles me.  So anyone want to play a caption game?  Give me your best caption.  Maybe there will be some sort of prize for the best one.

Or I may be talking to myself.


  1. LOL. Great capture!

    How about:
    "Have you lost weight?!"

    or somewhat less appropriate:
    "It's okay little man, you'll get your turn at bat AFTER the game."

  2. "I'm sorry sir, our full body scanners are currently down. I'm going to have to give you a good old fashion pat down."

  3. "These new Thrive baseball uniforms are so soft I just can't help but touch them!"


    "You're right, the lunges are working WONDERS!"

  4. Hummm...I'm not as clever as I'd like to think, but here goes:

    "Dude, it *totally* feels real."

  5. "So that's where your curve ball's been all night."

  6. I would like to smack that butt!!!!! How fun! I bet you had a great time at the game. Did you get a hotdog?!?!

    I'm hosting a FREE giveaway on my blog. Stop by and check it out if you already haven't. Your gonna LOVE it!

  7. "The movement has got to come from your hips."


    "Don't worry. They're not looking at your ass. They're more worried about your pitching."

  8. Heyyyyy. Settle down, Big Guy. There, does that feel better? How about that? Just relax. There's more where that came from if you win the game.

  9. "Oh girlfriend your thighs are NOT fat. Stop being so over-dramatic." ;)


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