Tell It To Me Tuesday - It All Started

It all started when I was a kid.  My first move was made when I was 6 weeks old.  The second at 18 months.  After that move, I've made 11 subsequent moves in my lifetime.  Even when I'm not moving to new cities, I need change.  My life was lived in 2-year increments for a very long time.  Either we  moved or I hung out with different people every 2 hours.  I may not be able to tell you the year in which a memory happened, but I could give you a 2-year age spread based upon where I was or who I was with.  This has evolved into remembering how old the girls were at a certain time.

I like change and crave it.  But not life-overhauling change anymore.  I rearrange furniture to see things in a new perspective.  It drives me crazy when things stay "the same" for too long.  I need to view things from different perspectives.  But as I sit down to write this, I've realized that I haven't done in a while.  Is it because my life of mom with three kids and a traveling husband takes up too much time that I haven't thought about it lately?  Have I really been too busy living to want to rearrange my personal space?

This makes me a little sad.  I always enjoyed this part of my life and now I realize that it's missing.  Hmm. Maybe I'll be rearranging furniture know, when I find some time.

Tell it to me Tuesdays
Check out Jade's place for more stories on where it all started.


  1. i was always jealous growing up of the girls who got to move around a lot. i lived in the same house from the time i was born until i moved away to college. then right before the wedding i moved back to that same house.

  2. I do that too. Need change. Need to rearrange. Need to get up and go. We didn't move a lot when I was a kid, but I have moved a lot since I went to college. The travel bug doesn't help either. He bites once every 6 months or so. But I love it too! It's nice to shake things up from time to time.

  3. Wow! As someone who's lived within a mile of her parents house her whole life (the house they've lived in since the day they got married), that's something to think about. I do like to "visit," so to speak. But I also crave familiarity, too.

  4. I agree! There's nothing like a furniture rearrange, or even a new slipcover or paint color, to liven things up. And it's fun (especially when traveling husband is in town to do the heavy lifting). =>


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