Texas - Saturday - Day 2

I'm not sure how many of you know about my history with Texas.  T and I lived there for four years when he was active duty.  The 9yo was born in Texas.  Texas was hot, humid, and the city we lived in did not inspire the warm fuzzies.  I couldn't wait to leave.  We have great friends from that time who, I hope, will be visiting us here in Nevada some time soon.  So when Christy and I started chatting about getting "the hookers" together for a long weekend of fun, she offered her place up in the beautiful hill country of Texas.  I have to admit I wasn't thrilled with returning to Texas, but I'm so very glad that I did.  Because the friendships that have evolved over this past year were solidified when I could actually hug these amazing ladies.  Some of them I have been training with for Team in Training - some of them I will see again in just a few short weeks in San Diego when we will run/walk 13.1 miles all in the name of raising funds for leukemia and lymphoma.  I am honored to know these ladies.  I am honored to have spent a weekend with them.  A weekend that I didn't want to end.  Granted it's always lovely to get back home and sleep in your own bed and get the hugs and kisses from those who missed you.

I will admit that these pictures? I'm not sure who all took them.  Everyone was taking pictures, and I just loaded them all into my computer under the same "event".

Just a few of the things we did

We ran. (I completed 12 miles. I won't say run, because I walked more than I care to admit.)

I wasn't going to add the next picture, but I love it so much. This was pre-run/walk.

(Christy, Tiffany, Lisa, Thea, Heather, me, Elaine) 
Amanda was the best pit crew a hooker could ask for.  Seriously, she drove up and down the road between all of us making sure we weren't dying on the side of the road or taken out by motorcycles or cows, providing refreshments and moral support. I wonder if she could come to San Diego? Although I'm not sure the organizers would allow her VW driving amidst all the runners.

We met Molly Dog and she took us to her river after our run/walk where she chased minnows near my feet, which made me jump every time she dove her head under water to try and catch one. 

There was the infamous hair cut.

and a campfire.

Thea read us a bedtime story.

I took my first shot ever...can you tell I enjoyed it?

We ate smores around the campfire. But they weren't ordinary smores. 
They were sandwiched with Dutch caramel waffle cookies.  (Thanks Lissa for the amazing addition to the weekend! You were missed!)
Mmm. It was pretty much heaven and OMG sweetness.

Amanda's leg was in charge of the fire.  And isn't it such a nice leg?

And of course there was a lots of laughter. 

It feels surreal that there are pictures of me with the hookers.  I have to keep looking at them and reminding myself that I really was there and I really did meet and fall in love with and hug everyone. 

Day 3 of HR2010 will be posted tomorrow - hopefully.  I'm still playing catch-up from being gone and being exhausted from traveling.  I'm getting old. 


  1. oh what fun...so glad you all have a great time and made it there and back safely!
    Off to look at those caramel do-hickeys now....omg they sound amazing!

  2. Congrats on 12! You're almost there! (I think more s'mores will help.) =>

  3. brilliant idea refueling with smores after the run! :) i <3 campfires

  4. It looks like you all had a blast! So happy for you, and so jealous! Glad to hear that online friendships can easily segue into real life!

  5. Forgot to mention -- my husband used to be stationed in Del Rio. Christy's Texas is not the Texas I remember either!!

  6. It does feel surreal, doesn't it? We need to start planning the next one....oh wait, that would be san diego in 6 short weeks, huh?! SQUEEE!!!!

  7. You took your first shot without me?? Skank.

  8. Hookers unite! I love that picture of you after the run. Amanda is wicked talented and so are you!

  9. What an amazing weekend. I'm so glad you got to meet up with such an incredible group of ladies.

  10. Your first shot ever? Really?


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