The Hair Cut

So this weekend was *the* weekend.  I have been ready to cut my hair short for a while, but I was trying to grow it out so I could donate it - thinking that our Hooker Retreat would be a fun way to go about it.  I've chopped my hair twice before and it's always so freeing.  I have very thick hair.  Hair that takes forever to dry.  Hair that I can't stand in my face so it lives in a clip or a pony tail.  Here are a couple of "before" pictures.

I love this picture. I think Amanda thinks I'm a little insane.  Christy is listening intently to Heather (who's holding the tape measure), and Miss Preggo Tiffany is helping with the ponytails.

Then it was time for the ponytails.  
In order to donate your hair has to either be in a ponytail and/or a braid. 

Because of the length, Christy made 2 on the top and 2 on the bottom. 
I wasn't sure it was going to be long enough on the bottom, but the top was definitely long enough.

Have I mentioned that I have really thick hair?

Check out Christy's concentration.

And we have one ponytail down and 3 more to go.

And there was my in-real-time tweeter. I'm not sure what she was thinking. 
Hey, Thea! Why the face?

This was my impression of an 80's rocker. 
Thankfully Amanda helped to clean it up a bit. 

The lack of a duck tail made a huge difference.

Do I look lighter?

Because this?
This is a lot of hair. 

It still needs a little professional clean-up, but I like it. 
What do you think?


  1. ^5s to all involved! i think its great that you donated it. :) awesome of the hookers to help you out! and, of course, a great new look!

  2. Oh my goodness!! I'd been wondering if you did that this weekend, thanks to a little cryptic tweet. I think it looks awesome and that's so fabulous you gave it up for donation. That was definitely a lot of hair!
    Did your family flip out? :)

  3. Yay for haircuts! And for hookers!

  4. This is awesome :) Congrats on the lighter hairdo!

  5. Love it! What a fabulous cause, and I bet it's sooooo much better for running!

  6. I love the recap and SO SAD I missed seeing it live and in person. Christy's concentration made me laugh as did Thea's face. What WAS she thinking? ;)

  7. I so wanted to help in the choppage. ;p

    Love the photos!

  8. I love the new do! Tres chic! Did your family know you were going to do this? Did they freak out?

  9. I love it. You are super brave, especially because Christy used freaking KITCHEN SHEARS.
    You are adorable. Short hair suits you!

  10. Great pics! and Great hair - I have thick hair like that (my hairdresser takes a razor to my hair before she cuts it) but I dont think I could pull off hair that short but you look amazing and very free!!
    Awesome donation - btw!
    You hookers had such a great weekend...jealous here!!

    much love, jen

  11. You are about the cutest short haired chic I have ever seen. Thea's facial expression CRACKS ME UP, as does Christy's concetration as she sawed through your hair. LOVE IT ALL and love you too : ).

  12. Oh man, you are so beautiful!

    And SO brave! Good for you.

  13. You are awesome!

    And based on the color of the iPhone I was holding, I was probably thinking "Why isn't my iPhone working???"

    Or that's my normal face.

  14. Love this!!! Short hair is liberating, isn't it! Loved the pics, and would've given ANYTHING to be there. Maybe next year!

  15. can't believe i'm just now getting here but I LOVE IT! CONGRATS!! It's just so freakin freeing, i agree!!! oh i am so jealous of how much fun you guys have had. wish i was there!!


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