The reality

This link takes you into a glimpse of what T's job was when he was active duty.  I am so thankful for those who continue to do the job, but selfishly I am grateful that it's not my husband getting those medals.  I honestly try not to think about it, because had he stayed in that same career field, he would most likely not be here.  I would not have my Sweet Pea.  My life would be drastically different.  But that is a story that gives me chills to think about.  Maybe another time.

For now SSgt Harvell has my utmost respect.  Glad you made it home, Airman.


  1. Scary stuff. I'm glad your T is home safe with you.

  2. incredible story! thank God for men and women like T and this gentleman. we owe them more than we can ever repay

  3. Wow that's intense. What a sacrifice, but I'm glad your T is home with you too.

  4. WOW - This story brought tears to my eyes and tugged on my heart. The heros, the men who are willing to give up everything to carry on the mission. Carry on men - It would be an honor to fight with you. Hooraa

    The T that was mnetioned


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