2010 - A Day in the Life - week 19

May 9

My Mother's Day sign lovingly made by all three girls.

May 10

Yes, this would be snow. In May. 
I was not happy.

May 11
My snuggle buddy - Bear.

May 12
We had amazing clouds.  I took about a million pictures of them. 
I love the road, the mountains, and the clouds/sky in this one. 

May 13
Oh, Melissa!!  This one's for you.
I'm thinking Montana might still be open. 

May 14
My Daisy is now a Brownie!!
You don't think she's happy, do you?

May 15
The winery where I *enjoyed* my first port.  


  1. NOOOOOOOOOO! Say it isn't so!!!


  2. What a nice variety of really great pictures; however, I was dismayed to see the news about Colorado. That's where my son and his family live. He's in Iraq right now and I know he's not going to be happy when his deployment is over and he finds Colorado is closed - PERMANENTLY! What a bummer. BTW, where do you live?

  3. LOVE the Colorado closed sign! ROFL!


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