2010 - A Day in the Life - Week 20


Got some Skull Candy ear buds.  I got purple in honor of running for Team in Training. 


Sass at her swim practice. I think she wore herself out!


I love this picture.  The clouds casting a shadow on the hills.

These lights amuse me.  They are the ones at the pool.  
They remind of the solar system projects from elementary school.


I got to hold 3-day-old baby sweetness!!  Oh my, he is sweet!


After I asked her to take my bra off, she asked me when she would get boobs big enough for a bra. 
Uhm, all too soon, baby. All too soon. 

Yes, I realize I'm missing Sunday.  Not sure how the day passed without taking a picture.


  1. that cloud picture is AhMAZING! Oh I bet it would look awesome in a intense B&W...framed!

    Oh poor thing, I remember wanting to wear a bra...if I only would have known!

  2. LOVE the cloud picture-I agree with Mendie-frame that one!

    And your little girl wearing your bra cracks me up.

  3. I'm loving the photos, and the one of your girl with the bra cracks me up.

  4. My favorite is the swim practice one. She looks so pooped! =>

    (And the cloud picture would be perfect for You Capture this week. Just gorgeous.)

  5. Wow, I love that photo of that cloud! It's amazing. And that picture with the bra is hilarious!!

    Anyway, just wanted to let you know, I sent a little love your way today: http://jadekeller.com/2010/05/versatile-i-am-apparently/

  6. lol@ the bra pic!! :) my 6 year old niece has some bras of her own and she loves them.

    the cloud pictures is incredible!!

  7. The last picture with the bra cracks me up...only because I have several of those on my computer of my 2 and even my husband being goofy. Rissa says every time we pass the lingerie section at Target - look mommy we can buy boobies. Cracks me up every time.


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