2010 - A Day in the Life - Week 21

May 23

"It's a hand trumpet, Mommy." 
Can you tell her sister was thrilled to be sitting next to it?

May 24

I'm a sucker for office supplies. 
I'm an even bigger sucker for a deal.
Two pens and a handy dandy holder for both?
$2.99 plus tax. 

May 25

She was swinging my Build-A-Bear monkey at the park. 
The wind was blowing. 
She looks like such a big kid. 
How did she get to be a big kid so soon?

May 26

I'm stuck on the clouds. 
They are now gone. I miss their texture.

May 27
(picture taking fail)

May 28

Clouds, again. 
Do you see the rain falling in the middle of the picture? 
This is 5 minutes from my house. 

May 29

My sweet Pumpkin cat.  
Although when she lives with Jaime, they call her Chloe.
And whatever. I know Jaime lives in North Carolina and I'm in Nevada. 
Pumpkin/Chloe is magical.


  1. gorgeous clouds!

    my niece turned 6 this month - they sure grow up fast!!

  2. The photo of the clouds with the rain in middle is crazyyyy. And glad to see that Chloe, er, Pumpkin, is doing well in Nevada :)

  3. I love the clouds. And your little one pushing the monkey in the swing? Too precious.

  4. You won a prize on my blog!

    Don't forget to claim it by June 3rd!



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