Aww, I'm versatile?

So Jade over at Tasting Grace sent me this award yesterday. I'm tickled that she chose me. Especially since I don't feel like I've been doing much blogging lately other than pictures. But thanks, Jade. Really, an award from you is very humbling.
The "rules" are of course first and foremost to thank the one giving it to you. (check). Then write about 7 random facts about you. (Damn, this is going to be hard. All my random facts are over on my '100 things' page. I'm going to have to dig deep.) And the last thing is to pass the award on. We'll see how inspired I am by the end.
So without further ado, random facts about Kirsten.
- I love running. I know big shocker there. But I've always loved running. I ran my first race when I was 5 or 6 and it was 5 miles. My dad "ran" it with me. I'm sure how he managed to run at my pace for that many miles. It has always been my go-to sport when I've felt slovenly. Although I took a huge break from it for about 8 years. I would think I wanted to do it and then go try and when it was hard, I would decide I wasn't ready to run. I started running again after Sass was born. I got a treadmill for Mother's Day the spring after she was born. I still had weight to lose from my pregnancy and I wasn't thrilled that it hadn't fallen off like it did after Smarty Pants. I didn't even start out running. I didn't have the confidence, but after walking for a few months, I decided to try a slow jog...and I remembered how much I loved running.
- I'm stubborn...about things I'm passionate about. If I feel strongly about something, don't try to waver my opinion. But, I will not force my opinion on you, nor will I not entertain a conversation regarding my position with someone whose opinion differs from my own. I've found in the last few years that I enjoy a healthy debate. It helps me solidify my own feelings regarding a topic and also provides insight into the other side.
- I really like my short hair. I really don't like the bedhead I wake up with every morning.
- I'm not nervous about the half marathon in San Diego. I think I *should* be nervous since my ankle has decided to act up again and I haven't consistently run since April.
- I love taking pictures...even if lately they all surround the sky and mountains lately. And actually since I got my Nikon I've taken fewer pictures of the girls than before. Nature is a much less sassy than my kids.
- Our chocolate lab is 11-1/2. I don't think she has a ton of time left. But we leave for vacation/family reunion on June 19th. Not sure who I can leave her with who will tend to her elderly whims. I feel like I'm in limbo. It really sucks. This is the part I hate about having pets.
- Have you seen my new shoes? I'm in love. Seriously. They are really comfy. My foot muscles have been a little sore on the top of my foot because they are being used in new ways like never before! It is pretty exciting to me. I've ordered T a pair. I would seriously buy some for my kids if they made them in kid sizes. I guess for my checking account, it's a good thing they don't.
So those are my 7 random facts about me. That was hard, yo. And now the hardest part. Choosing someone to pass this on to.
Fluffy Bunnies is awesome. She writes Haiku's every Friday. She just became a mother of 3. She's awesome.
Amber writes in two places. Goodnight Moon which is a blog to her husband while he is deployed. And the family blog is Willis, Party of 6 I have such admiration for her strength and wit.
And last but not least, Brooke. She is an inspiration to me as I watch and listen to her journey of self discovery.
Oh wait! I just thought of one more!! Karena over at Very Nearly Vegan. She just posted an awesome and brave post yesterday. I admire her...not to mention she lives in Belgium and just went to Paris for a day with her family because she is *that* close. I'm a little jealous.
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