
I obviously haven't been around here much in the last week.  I've been nursing my ankle back to health after my run last Sunday.  I've been busy finalizing activities that ended last week.  I've also been working more and trying to break even.  That damn bank account never seems to have enough cash in it.  Can someone help me out with that? No? Okay, fine.  So I'm going for random.

  • I woke up to a screaming 4yo being taunted by the 7yo.  Yelled at children including "dammit" before my eyes were barely open. 
  • Mother's Day did get better.  Coffee was made, church was pleasant with all kids, visited grandparents, drank more coffee.  Got homemade presents and cards.  
  • My ankle feels 100% better today.  Can't wait until I run tomorrow. I've missed it!! 
  • The half marathon in San Diego is in 4 weeks!! Can.not.wait to see those I've met and meet those sisters I haven't yet met.  So excited.  Although the weekend is going to go by WAY too fast. I just know it. 
  • The weather is still weird here.  The high mountains are supposed to get snow.  It's only in the 50s today, but I'm not complaining. I'll take 50 over 90 any day of the week.  And I'm sure in 2 weeks we will be hitting high 80s.  I'd like to postpone that.  
  • I've been slacking on the daily pictures.  I'm pretty sure I missed yesterday, but I'll have my almost-complete weekly picture post up later tonight.  
  • I have an awesome picture for Melissa.  I almost want to go out tonight and take it, because it makes me laugh every single time - well it's only funny because of what's in my head...and being inside my head is a little bit of an odd experience sometimes.  
So really not much has been going on lately, maybe that's why I haven't been here.  I'm not feeling very blog-chatty.  Twitter chatty and email chatty are different, though - sometimes.  


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