Tell It To Me Tuesday - Quotes

I love good quotes, but I never remember them long enough to write them down.  Or I think I will remember that because it's such an awesome quote.  And then I never do. But the one quote I try to live by daily is the one you probably learned in kindergarten.  At least I did.  I'm not sure they are teaching it anymore because it might be too...churchy? preachy? Not really sure.

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Can you imagine if everyone acted this way?  We'd probably live on a much happier planet.


Do you have a good quote you want to share?  I'd love to hear it, and so would Jade.  Link up!

Tell it to me Tuesdays


  1. My daughter's kindergarten class still teaches this - and reminds them often to treat others the way they want to be treated!


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