You Capture - Yellow

Yellow.  I tried to find it in places other than nature...since I've been taking a lot of pictures of mountains, clouds, snow and other mother nature-y kind of things.

A plastic chain in the parking lot at T's office. 
Supposed to keep people from parking on the dirt instead of in the parking spots. 
This was the section that was still standing. 
An adjacent section was broken on the ground, probably caused by someone backing up into it.

Nothing like a worn label in an elevator.  
Poor little fraying, peeling label.

Check out the other yellow captured and shared at Beth's. 



  1. I like how plastic chains are supposed to protect areas from cars. Because a car wouldn't break a plastic chain, right? :) Very nice photos - and way to go to think outside of nature (which I only partly did.)

  2. these are great shots...
    the plastic chain idea is pretty pointless...

  3. I love these pictures, especially the chains!

  4. I didn't like the YELLOW assignment at first but it DID make me summon creativity, as it did you and many others I've visited. Very interesting shots. Peeling labels bug me, don't they you? I always want to "help" them peel the rest of the way off.

  5. I love the shot of the plastic chain. At least it makes for good photos! :)

  6. I love the chain. The lighting and focus are perfect!

  7. That plastic chain shot is cool. You were a week early on the DOF challenge!

  8. I like your yellow discoveries ;) The chain is a really neat shot!

  9. I like the plastic parking lot chain!

  10. Great shots! I like how you took pictures of things other than flowers...which is what I think most of us think of when we think of yellow.

  11. I had a hard time making all my yellow shots tell a cohesive story, which I am fixated on doing for some reason. I'll have to work on that for next week.

    I like that chain shot a lot.

  12. Good shots. I like the chain. I mean you know, for a chain... ;-P

  13. Both of those are cool. You could've used the chain for the DOF shot this week!

  14. Great Blog!! That was amazing. Your thought processing is wonderful. The way you tell the thing is awesome. You are really a master


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