13 days

I will be leaving tomorrow and not coming home for 13 days.  That's the longest I've been gone for...well a long time.  The whole family is heading to Maine tomorrow for my dad's family reunion.  It's always a ton of fun.  I get to see my cousins and my dad's siblings (he's one of 7).  I'm looking forward to rest and relaxation...and some running and hiking and canoeing and maybe fishing.  I will be taking a ton of pictures.  I will have internet, but I'm not sure if I will make the time for blogging.  I'm sure I'll be on Twitter - because I'm a little addicted like that.  Then on the 27th I fly with my little family to Chicago where they will leave me and head home.  I get to stay in Chicago until the 1st for a conference.  And as I mentioned in a previous post, before the conference I get to have a little meet up with Bari (and maybe Allyson?).  I'm really excited about meeting them.  Bari is going to show me Chicago because I've never been before.  (No pressure, Bari, promise!)  There will be food, drinks, coffee, pictures, and I'm sure lots of laughs.

I'm hoping to hop on for You Capture next week.  I missed this week as my heart wasn't in it.  I did have some pictures, but I was focusing on what was done earlier today.  (See previous post.)

Can someone throw me some awesome plane trip vibes.  I know Southwest has *some* planes rigged with internet and I would love to have our 5 hours between Phoenix and Manchester with a little internet.  Because I've never tweeted from 35,000 feet.  I'm easily amused though.  And, if I could make a request?  I don't want to sign on to Google Reader and have all of you folks be blogging every day and I end up with 100+ posts to read.  Because I love you and all (and I'm a good Catholic), and I don't want to feel guilty about not reading your posts.  So I give you permission to slack over the next 13 days.

Now, time to finish packing and cleaning up.  Tomorrow's going to be a long with 3 kids, husband, parents, brother, and niece.


  1. Good plane vibes coming your way. Maybe you'll be lucky and get the rapping flight attendent (google it if you never seen him!). We've flown SW a couple times and it's always great. They have the best flight attendants in the biz.

    I'm still trying to come up with the best and cheapest plan of attack for Chi-town. Can't wait!

  2. Sounds like fun! Hope you have a lovely vacation and good luck at the conference! I hope it all goes well.

  3. have a great trip!! :) and you certainly have my permission to "mark all as read" you shouldn't be stresed coming back from vacation!


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