2010 - A Day in the Life - Week 23

C'est moi.  I think this is about mile 5. I was starting to slow down at this point, 
but I wasn't going to *not* smile for my close-up!
(photo courtesy of Coach Joe English)


Look at me all official and shit on a stage in a skirt. 
(picture taken courtesy of T)


Sweet Pea swinging at the park. I love this look on her face.  
It's 100% her personality shining through.

(no excuses. The day got away from me.)


Mexican food with margaritas. 


T and Sweet Pea on top of a fake climbing rock at the park. 
Love, so much, when they are goofy together.


And you're wondering what the hell this is, right?
The summer reading program kicked off at the library with a pancake breakfast. 
It was cold. The syrup was essentially frozen. It was like taffy. Unspreadable. Almost unmovable. 


  1. Look at you all cute and rocking at Mile 5 in your adorable running skirt. So need to get me one of those :) And I love the shot of the frozen syrup. Priceless!

  2. Gah - blogger lost my first comment! Let me try this again - you in a skirt - gorgeous! You running - fabulous! Sweet Pea - so stinkin cute! :)

  3. I love the running picture. The syrup...grosses me out a little bit (and makes you wonder just what was in that container??)

  4. Great running picture, you just look like you are out for a stroll!

  5. Looks like a fabulous week! And I love your new background colors/theme! It's so happy!

  6. love the sweet pea swig pic! also cool running pic :-)

  7. You look so happy running! :D Love it!

    And why, pray tell, were you on stage and in a skirt no less? Inquiring minds want to know...


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