I'm feeling a little lonely

How pathetic is that? I am. I love my family and I'm surrounded by them every day.  But after a weekend like last weekend in San Diego, surrounded by some awesome women, it's hard not to feel a little bit of a loss.
It's blueberry vodka drinks post race. 

Serious rawking out at a post-race par-tay. 
I miss these ladies soo much.  We have bonded like I never thought possible
through literally thousands of emails and twitter and blogs. 
They are true blue friends who I know I can count on.  And you know what?
I will be seeing them again, I'm positive.  And I can't wait. 

But I'm thankful. Because one of my non-TNT teammates was there for my weekend. 

And he'll continue to be there for more race weekends to come. 


  1. I feel the same way!!

    Love you!!

  2. Oh honey! Sorry you're feeling lonely. But I'm SO SO GLAD you found such awesome people to have in your life. That really is a true gift. Hopefully the loneliness clouds will drift away soon! HUGS.

  3. Reading your post is bittersweet for me - I'm happy and sad all rolled up into one. I'm so sorry you're lonely. But you know there will be future meet-ups. Without a doubt. ((HUGS))

  4. PS: Love the new blog layout!

  5. Cue the tears... My goodness, I feel the same way! Miss you hooker!

  6. oh what a wonderful weekend you have to keep in your heart when you are feeling down. I think its so great to have a partner like T to keep you up when your sisters aren't there~

    Love the new layout too-so summery!

  7. yall were just gettin down weren't ya? :)

  8. I'm so glad you guys had a good time!!

  9. I adore the shots of you girls 'gettin down!' I'm sure it was an amazing weekend. Can you believe you've made such good friends through the 'internets'? So awesome... mwah!!


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