Maine Family Reunion - Part 1

So last week, starting on the 19th, we headed to Maine for my dad's family reunion.  This is an every other year occurrence.  In 2012 it will be somewhere in the Seattle area.  Should be a blast!!  I have so many pictures I want to share.  So much was packed into these 7 days.  But to start off with I will share some water pictures from Sunday.  Two houses were rented and the one we stayed in was called the Lightship.  It was on the lake.  We had our own dock with access to kayaks, paddle boats, and a rowboat.

Joint kayaking!

SmartyPants kayaking on her own. 
She was really good at it...until the spiders started coming out.  
Which lead to hysterical crying that we had no control over.  T, my cousin, and I were laughing hysterically at her hysterical crying.  I'm not a fan of spiders, but I'm still not sure what we were supposed to do to help. 

Even Sass mastered the kayak.  I was so proud of her!!

And then, because she has become confident in the water, she wanted to jump off the dock. 


  1. Looks like you all have been having fun! Thanks for sharing the pics!

  2. a big ^5 for your brave girl jumping off the dock!! :)

  3. Love the action shot sequence...very cool! That would look awesome framed in a vertical frame!


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