My first kid

Grace.  When we picked her up she was 18 pounds.  She smelled of puppy. 
One month after she took over our home, T went on a 6-week TDY.  She was lonely.  Our rottie didn't having mothering instincts.  I allowed the 20-pound baby to sleep on the bed.  Oops. 
We didn't buy her her own bed until she was 5.  
This sweet puppy was a great "starter kid".  We spent more on the vet in her first year of life than we did on SmartyPant's first year.  It's good we love our pets!
Over the years she grew and loved our girls.  She has been a fixture...sometimes a little neglected due to the crazy of life.  But she's my baby.  Always will be.  

RIP Gracie dog. 
You'll be missed.
Say hi to Jazz, Emma, and Sammy after you cross the Rainbow Bridge. 


  1. Oh, she's beautiful. Thinking of you all.

  2. SO sad for fam fam. May she RIP. Hugs.

  3. She looks like a sweetheart. Sending thoughts your way.

  4. What a beautiful post, Kirsten. I love the Rainbow Bridge poem. Our vet gave is a copy and it still tears me up to read it. Treasure your memories.

  5. What a wonderful tribute, Kirsten! RIP Grace.

  6. Just lovely. Thinking of you and your family.

  7. I am so very sorry, Kirsten. I know exactly how you're feeling. Such a beautiful baby. Many, many hugs.

  8. Oh K, I am soo soo sorry Gracie is gone. I bet she loved you just as much as you loved her! Hugs my friend.

  9. I'm so, so sorry for your whole family. She looked like such a sweet girl.

  10. I'm really sorry, Kirsten. I know this just sucks.

  11. I love this tribute to your first kid. So precious. Hugs.

  12. I'm late to say it but I'm sorry your sweet Gracie is gone from this world. She was beautiful...

  13. Just looking back over some of your old posts since I haven't been good at reading things lately... This one was so sweet - almost made me cry. Gracie will be missed in Idaho as well as Nevada.


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