Tell It To Me Tuesday - 10-minute free write

I haven't done a free write in so long. I kind of missed it.  All my writing is done on the blog, and I try to amuse at least myself, so I'm constructing in my brain.  Thanks, Jade, for having this challenge. 

Sitting here drinking coffee on a quiet morning in June makes me think of all the things I need to accomplish today and whether or not I will get them all done in the hours I have to get them done in.  I have a brown puppy next to me that I unfortunately am going to be making a call to the vet about today.  You know the call? "That call."  And it makes me sad and I want to cry, but I don't know what other options I have that won't break the bank account or my sweet first baby's heart.  It's sad. And I hate this part of pet ownership.  It really sucks.  But I'm going to be strong and cry because my girls need to know it's okay to say goodbye and it's okay to cry and you can still be an awesome woman even if you cry.  I have a run today.  Well, not one I *have* to do, but I haven't really done a ton of running in the last month....other than that pesky half marathon...which I was not happy with my performance, so with another half coming up in July and a full marathon (OMG) in January, I want to get back on the horse so to speak.  So this morning I'm going to hop on the treadmill and put in three miles.  Because I can.  Hopefully T will bring me home bigger running shoes today.  He didn't get a chance to stop yesterday.  I hate having black toenails.  Yes, they've now morphed from purple to black.  I'm still not sure if they are going to officially fall off and die or not.  Only time will tell.  I also have to band-aid the tat when I run.  Since it's on my ankle shoes will rub it.  I don't like wearing a band-aid, but I also don't want to mess with the tat.  My day is filled with a checklist. I need to get the girls started on packing.  A week in Maine.  Oh, how my heart needs a week surrounded by family and fun.  There will be canoe trips and bike rides and maybe even a canoe trip to see moose.  You know those big ass, water-plant-eating, brown creatures.  I've never seen one in real life before.  I don't really count the one at the zoo, because the poor guy had really ugly looking water to walk in.  I'm also not sure how to take my camera on a canoe without having to worry about it falling in the lakes and rivers I'm sure I'm going to be on.  Maybe it will be cool and I will have no desire to be wet, so I won't allow it to happy.  After Maine...where lobsters will be consumed, I'm leaving T and the girls at the airport.  While they head home, I'm headed to Chicago for a conference.  I also get to meet Bari!! And hopefully Allyson.  Bari's going to pick me up at the airport and we get to play on Sunday AND Monday!  I'm so excited.  I've never been to Chicago before and to have my own personal tour guide? Awesome.  I'm assuming that there will be coffee, good food, and drinks.  And maybe a little run, right Bari?  You'll have to show me how to run in the frakin' humidity.  And there went the month of June.  All the fun packed into one month is going to make for a very quiet July and August.  Oh well. I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts.

Tell it to me Tuesdays


  1. sorry about your dog :( its very hard.

    as far as the toe nails go - mine started turning in Sept/Oct and I didn't officially lose it until Christmas. enjoy!

  2. Oh I'm so sorry about your dog. :( So very sad. We might have to make that kind of decision about our dog soon. I hate it.

    And vacations...oh vacations. I hope you have a great time!

    Regarding the nails....mine turned purple then black, and then I was able to clip them off while the new nails grew in under the blackened nails. It's a several-month-long process for me.

  3. I only lost toe nails once, and that was my first marathon, eons ago now. I'm just starting to plan out my big races for the rest of the year, so hopefully that nail thing holds true.

    And Chicago is a lovely city. Run down by the lake. It's lovely.

    And I'm sorry about your dog. We've had to do that twice. I'll be thinking about you, and your girls.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. That is so tough, I know this period will be tough for your family. But you're an amazing woman and such a thoughtful mother.

    The trip to Chicago sounds like it is going to be a blast though! I hope your toenails survive okay. But I'm sure it'll feel great to get back in the saddle!

  5. i'm so so sorry about your poor doggy, having to make these types of decisions is so heartbreaking and unbearable. Love you.

    Have a great time in Chi-town and on vacay! Jealous, party of one!

    ps. I too have a toenail hanging on for dear life. Any day now.

  6. oh so sorry to hear about your dog, that breaks my heart and I don't want to think about having to make a decision like that with Miss Emma. You will do the right thing, and be one of the strongest women I know in the process!

    You are going to have such a fun trip East! I won't be going to Chicago till August...wish our timing would have worked better, I'd love to meet you!

  7. I'm sorry you are having a rough week. I know what you've been going through with your dog. We've had to do the same with 3 cats. It's never easy.

    There will definitely be coffee in Chicago, and if you talk real nice to me and promise to run slow, there may be a 3 miler, too :) Oh yah, good food and drink are pretty much a requirement, too :)


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