You Capture - Fun

Did somebody say fun?  Yep, Beth did.  And boy, did Team Shrinking Jeans have some fun in San Diego!

One of my favorite times was watching (and participating) Coach Joe and Coach Dean film some of their videos for their blog/site.  It was a hoot to finally meet both of them as I've been watching their videos this year since I started with Team In Training.

Here they are talking about socks. 
Love the fact that Coach Dean has worn these unicorn socks while running. 

And this one? With Christy?
There wasn't a dry eye in the place.  Serious laughter. 
Along with a few moments of heart-stopping "what did he just say?"

What fun did you capture this weekend?


  1. I personally do not think that enough people wear unicorn socks while running.

    So glad it was awesome!

  2. Heh. Awesome! Love the socks and I'm so glad you had such a good time!

  3. The last photo is great - everyone looks like they're having such a "fun" (sic) time.

  4. oh man, laughing until you cry is one of the funnest things around:)

  5. Unicorn socks, that's awesome!

  6. Great photos. Congrats on your run! And that last one with Christy is so fun it makes me smile to look at it!

  7. I'm so jealous of the fun you had last weekend! :)

  8. Those socks are fantastic!

  9. I am still in awe of the fact he actually dropped the SAH line on camera - Truly a priceless moment!


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