2010 - A Day in the Life - Week 29

The kids have been participating in the summer reading program at our local library. 
For reading x number of hours they got a free kid's meal at Applebee's. 
They got a free dinner. 
T and I ordered their "perfect margaritas".


Love the lighting in this picture. 
Btw, I gave her this hair cut. 
Well, not the bangs, those still need a trim.


I pulled one of our 10 carrots we have growing in our garden. 
I wanted to see how big they were. 
I'm thinking I'm going to let the others go until October. 


Love the Nuun for during long runs. It's all electrolytes, so no sticky sweetness. 
The banana flavor? Scared me. 
But at the expo for the RnR in San Diego we tried it. 
It's more generic tropical-ish. No banana flavor.


SmartyPants on the left. 
Sass on the right in the water.
Playing catch with the beach ball. 
For 20 minutes. 
I was reading on the beach. 
= slice of heaven.

My eclectic purchase from Wal-Mart. 


T and I dressed for the annual White Trash Bash.
This year's theme? Luau. 
T won best hair. 
I won "best girl". 
(I had one person surprised when I took the wig off. She thought I just gel-ed the crap out of it. Another person, who I've met before, thought I was seriously pregnant. YIKES!
After the voting and awards, I "delivered". For the rest of the evening I was asked "boy or girl"
To which I responded, "I finally got my boy!")


  1. Very fun! I'm glad you finally got your boy :) Also, love the carrot with the quarter. That cracked me up.

  2. Cute carrot :) And the boy story cracked me up!


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