
This last week has been hard for me.  Coming back from vacation and some travel time alone and lots going on in many aspects of my life.  It's been an adjustment...and not just for me - for the rest of my family too.  I'm trying to figure a few things out and try to take steps forward as opposed to backwards or remaining stagnant.  So, in the meantime...until I come up with a thoughtful post...I will leave you with a picture of my girl...who proved to me (and more importantly, herself) that she wanted something.  


  1. ^5 to your super little girl! :)

  2. Your little girl is awesome :)

  3. Yay for little ones who know what they want and go for it! :)

  4. She is so incredibly adorable!

    I hear ya on the melancholy crap... we have some really big changes (again) happening and... just... ugh.


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