You Capture - B&W


This week has been filled. 
Not much time for extra picture taking. 
But I did find these two.
Thunderstorm clouds in front of the truck.
Lighter, happier sky reflected in the mirror. 
Mmm. Prophesy perhaps?

And my 9yo.  Looking so big. 
I wish she would quit wishing the moments away
and enjoy things, like she was in this picture. 
Dinner out with the family. 

Check out everyone else's black and whites over at Beth's. 


  1. Smarty Pants is beautiful. K hates having her picture taken, I hope your girls don't end up feeling like that.

  2. I agree, she is gorgeous!
    And love the storm clouds...and the perspective. Things will get better. Brighter days ahead!

  3. That first shot is awesome! LOVE IT. Smarty Pants is lovely. But yeah, isn't it funny how we spend childhood waiting to grow up only to wish for the simplicity of youth when we finally do?

  4. Oh my goodness, she's so pretty!! Like your thoughts with the first one too...

  5. I know what you mean about wishing the moments away. I have a 5 year old going on 15! :D Cute captures.

  6. Wow! That storm coming and going picture is very creative and your 9 year old is very beautiful. Nice black and whites!

  7. I love the first photo - just an all around great shot. And your daughter is beautiful :)

  8. Beautiful!!!!!!!!

  9. Love the mirror shot! Great idea!

  10. She looks so mature, holy crap...


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