2010 - A Day in the Life - Week 32

These flowers came from a friend...
with the vase.  
Do you like both?


My Sweet Pea rawking the 80's headband 'do.


Samples of the only allergy drug that seem to work for me. 
My PCP actually had some in the office. 
His nurse gave me all of them. 
I'm much happier now. 


Our two biggest carrots from the garden.  
They were so sweet and yummy.


Random sunflower growing in our backyard. 
We didn't plant it. 
I almost pulled it as a big ass weed two weeks ago. 


Our Bear-cat "wearing" T's Air Force BondiBand.
Bear wasn't impressed with it's wicking capabilities.  


(picture from the phone)
Dinner out for pizza with T and Sweet Pea. 
The older girls were having a sleepover at the lake w/my parents. 


  1. so glad you didn't pull the sunflower - its beautiful!!!

  2. I love random flowers. So glad you didn't pull the sunflower up!

  3. OMG I love Bear with the Bondi Band.

  4. LOL!
    Love the bondiband kitty. holy carrot, batman!

    and i thought those were condoms at first glance. turned out to be allergy stuff. LOL

  5. Thanks for the lovely comment!

    Your girls are adorable! Love the 80's headband look! And growing fresh veggies....I wanna do that so bad! Someday, when we can actually live somewhere during that season!

    Absolutely LOVE your cat pic!!!!! Kinda spooky too!


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