Happy Birthday To Me!

Yep, that's right.  Today's my birthday.  How old, you ask? I'm the ripe young age of 21.  No, really! I am.  I swear.  Forget about the almost 10-year-old I have in the house.  Whatever.  Okay, fine.  I'm 34 today.  But most days I feel 21, aside from the whole married w/3 kids and a mortgage.  Details.

I am proud to say that I have come so far in the last year.  Last year I was feebly attempting to train for a half marathon.  I say feebly because I couldn't convince myself to run more than 3-4 miles at a time.  Way to prep for a half marathon, huh?  As of today I have completed 3 half marathons and am currently training for my 4th half mary and my first full marathon!  Holy crap!  I'm so much healthier and overall happier.  A year ago I had to meet any of you in person.  Today, I'm thrilled to be able to say that I've hugged at least 20 of you!  How awesome is that.  You, yes you, have helped me grow in this last year.  Helped me learn to take care of myself.  Helped me value the importance of not putting myself last.  Helped me *love* running even though sometimes I hate the actual runs.

So this last year? I've grown and learned and I'm proud to be sitting here another year older and wiser.  Imagine how enlightened I'll be after a whole 'nother year goes by.


  1. Happy Birthday! I'm so glad I am one of those peoples who got to meet you in real life! xoxo

  2. Yay! Happy birthday! I'm glad you're feeling like you're in a good place. And I'm still hoping one day to meet you IRL. {hugs}

  3. Happy Birthday! I can't wait to meet you! :)

  4. Happy Birthday! You really have come a long way. oud of you!

  5. You can be 21 because I'm 12. Happy Birthday!!

  6. happy {belated} birthday, sweet friend!!! you are an inspiration!!


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