I'm alive and hanging on by a thread

This weekend was a mix of relaxing, enjoying, and trying not to die from the gunk that infiltrated from what I can only assume is new germs from Sweet Pea's new preschool mixed with allergies.  Fun times in our house, let me tell you.  I'm behind on my pictures from last week.  I'm *hoping* to get those done by tomorrow.  But I've been busy fundraising for my niece and getting all the background stuff and management stuff that goes into starting something like from the ground up.

I'm here. I'm trying.  I'll be back.


  1. I'm glad you're alive. We'll be waiting for you to come back - with open arms! :)

  2. Hang in there. Sending good vibes your way....

  3. We just went back to school and the husband is waiting for the germs to infiltrate - Q is in 6th grade this year so she isn't quite as gross but I am around teenagers and they are the grossest kind.

    You are doing such an amazing thing fundraising for your niece. Stay strong...you have me (and the whole sisterhood helping to keep you standing).

    I have missed a lot being twitter MIA so much and totally social media MIA all day but I am here for ya!!

    MUCH LOVE!!jen

  4. I hate the beginning of a school year. The teachers bring home the germs too, and it is NO fun.

    Sending lots of healthy, positive vibes your way!

  5. We'll be here. Deep breath!


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