IDAHO! Part 1

The second weekend in September is sorta of a tradition for us.  Since the year before we moved to Idaho (we were house hunting in September 2001) we have been frequenting an art fair put on by the Boise Museum of Art at Julia Davis Park.  Once we became neighbors with Tiffany and her husband, Tiffany started going with us to Art in the Park.  We have our standards of consumption: Pronto Pups (the best fresh corn dogs anywhere), cotton candy, fresh roasted corn on the cob (which I'm sure is freshly picked from one of the many local corn farmers in the area), fresh squeezed lemonade.  This time we added some carmelized pecans to the deal since Smarty Pants can't eat corn on the cob with all the orthodontia in her mouth.

Taking a weekend-long trip 400 miles from home should not require all the paraphilia that we took.  These pictures didn't even show the suitcases.

So Friday morning we were on the road by 8:45.  

The wide open-ness of I-80 headed east.

The girls were pretty good this time.  I have been known in the past to threaten 
"don't make me stop this car!" But not this trip.

And then, we did something that we've never done before.  I don't know how many times we've made the trip between my hometown and Nampa, but I've always been on a mission to get to where we're going.  No stopping.  Only in Winnemucca for food and pee breaks! 
(Yes, I'm a nazi long-car-trip driver! I want to GET there.)

They were happy for a reprieve.  
If you couldn't tell, we have some love for Idaho. 

This is the view right before you come out of the mountains and into the valley. 

The picture doesn't do it full justice, but it sure is beautiful to me. 

We were within 30 minutes of getting to Tiffany's when we got hit with a 15-minute delay of road construction.  We were happy to have arrived and were properly mauled by their doggies.  And those 2-1/2 days there made me miss having puppies around.  

Stay tuned to Part 2.  Where I show you pictures from the zoo and some Art in the Park food pictures.  


  1. Love the picture of the girls in front of the Idaho sign. Adorable!


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