IDAHO! Part 2

My Saturday in Idaho started by getting up at 5:30 a.m.  That's 4:30 my time.  I was actually dreaming when my alarm went off.  Wanna know what I was dreaming about? I was dreaming that my alarm hadn't gone off and I woke up all happy and rested.  Uhm, yeah. Anyway.  I got up had a light breakfast, changed, and waited for some daylight before I went out for my long run...of 16 miles.

Luckily I have awesome hosts who made pancakes, bacon, and eggs for breakfast upon my return. 
After I cleaned up, the girls headed into Boise for Art in the Park.  

We saw fun metal sculptures.

Look! A moose!

We ate.

(She looks thrilled about her caramelized pecans, huh?)

Pink cotton candy is the best.

And then, because the big girls were tired (me and Tiffany), we headed over to the zoo before we ran out of steam.

We saw

sad and/or tired-looking monkeys

lazy lions lounging in the sun

a wallaby 
(a new addition to the zoo since last year!)

fat and happy prairie dogs

and last but not least
The giraffe.

After the zoo we made our way back to Art in the Park to get the stuff that caught our eye on the first pass through. And then we headed back to the truck.  On our way I glanced down and noticed this leaf. 

It was so bright and colorful.  

We headed home afterwards to ribs, corn on the cob, coleslaw, and cornbread for dinner courtesy of Tiffany's husband.  


  1. OMG that is a fantastic shot of the giraffe! Just amazing!

  2. I ♥ prairie dogs, and yours was so stinking cute sitting there all fat and happy :)

  3. The giraffe is amazing, but the prairie dog is SO cute! reminds me of my cat. :) Your day looked like a lot of fun!!


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