You Capture - Photog's Choice

This week Beth gave us free reign as to what to capture.  

Life has been...rough lately. 
We spent some time at the park the other day. 
I brought my camera. 
Trying to capture life as it happens
to focus on the good. 
Glancing down I noticed something
The creases on my hand. Those lines that allow my hands to bend and grasp.

But look!

More lines and cracks and creases. 
But somehow we see a piece of bark as so different from our own living skin.

But they each allow protection and a level of comfort for their surroundings. 
Each show scars, weathering, the passage of time.
The bark may no longer be living but it can tell you where it's been. 
Just like the stories of our hearts. 

PhotobucketCheck out what others decided to capture this week.


  1. I love your photos - and I hope things get better for you very, very soon.

  2. Very nice, Kirsten, and very profound. I enjoyed the narration alone and you did such a great job on the pictures catching every line and crease. And your comparison shot was quite eye-opening.
    I love this post!

  3. Beautiful. I love the symmetry and your words.

    How are you holding up? I hope things turn around for you...

  4. What a cool analogy Kirsten!

    Hope today is a good day...

  5. What an incredible piece of bark. Beautiful shots for a beautiful story. Thanks for sharing!


  6. Love the point you're making here. Beautiful photos and words.

  7. How cool - nice pics! So good to see you last weekend (I think I may still be recovering from the chaos! :) ) Hope your week has been good.


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