2010 - A Day in the Life - week 41


Our salt and pepper shakers purposefully placed my the 9yo. 
She set the table for dinner that night so it would be "pretty".


The beautiful sun setting over the mountains as seen through my filth windshield.


The crazy frog bouncy thing at the park. 


My gymnast practicing her floor routine.


BSU is T's alma mater.  This raffle benefits our niece.  Of course I bought tickets.

Totally didn't take any pictures. 
I drove to the bay area so the camera was in the trunk. 
Forgot to take it out and take a picture when we got to my uncle's place.

(more than one picture because it was a great day, and I can)

The north side of the Golden Gate bridge.

After lunch at The Crab House. 
Beki, Renee, Coach Joe, me, and Renee's friend (I forgot her name!)

I got to meet Dimity and Sarah of Run Like a Mother fame along with other great RLAM-ers. 
They signed my book, I bought a new (releasing tomorrow) RLAM t-shirt and RLAM tattoos. 

So my week started out a bit slow in the way of taking pictures of salt/pepper shakers.  It ended with meeting some great people. 


  1. Awesome split jump from your little gymnast! And just as awesome, meeting those amazing peeps in San Fran.

  2. Great to meet you too, Kirsten...looking forward to reading your race report. Hope all went well! xo. dimity

  3. WOW she gets serious AIR!!

    great week of photos!!


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