2010 - A Day in the Life - week 42

My medal from the NWM.


Tiffany made this purse and I dug it out last week. 
It's so soft and colorful.


The tree in my front yard. 
Love the blue of the sky and the red of my neighbors tree in the background.
Fall is here.


 Driving home from gymnastics.  
Love the Sierra Nevada mountains.


My RLAM shirt that I picked up from Sarah and Dimity in San Fran.


I should have cropped this a bit. 
See the look on Sweet Pea's face?
She's looking at her "boyfriend" in the blue stripy shirt. 
They are smitten. 
It's adorable...
because she's 4.


My oldest is 10.  


  1. I love that Sweat Pea has a boyfriend. So cute :) The cupcake looks divine also!

  2. oh my gosh. All great photos. I love the "medal" (I totally want to run that race one day!!) I want to learn how to make a bag like that. Loveeee the look on Sweet Pea's face and the cupcake looks oh-so-yummy!

  3. its taken me what feels like a week to get the RLAM shirt.

    and your little one is gorgeous - no wonder she already has a BF

  4. I love the medal!!!

    thanks for visiting & commenting on my blog! I had the opposite happen @ the latt one I did & found out its common @ 'fun run's to have them not timed as well as not race length. *sigh* what's the point in advertising as 5k if you are only doing 1/2 the work?? :(

  5. Love the photos, esp your gorgeous little girl and those mountains.

  6. I love that look on Sweet Pea's face. So cute!

  7. Oh, sweet pics! I am DYING for your necklace. I need one! and that shirt too. I guess us women runners can't resist, huh!?

  8. LOVE the bag! ;) Love the pic of the leaves. Can't believe this year has flown by so fast!


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