
So this is a hard post to write.  And I'm sure T is going to wonder why I won't buy a bikini after this post goes live.  

I've always been thin.  I had "chicken legs" when I was little, or so I was told.  But those chicken legs made it 5 miles when I was 5 or 6.  I have always had a pretty good self-esteem about my body.  I never cared much about how I looked in a swimsuit, but then again I never really had cause to be paranoid.  Even at my unhealthiest, I wasn't big.  I was the unhealthiest thin person you ever did see.  

I did sports in junior high.  My participation in organized sports stopped by my sophomore year.  The friends I hung out with were more fun than sports; and none of them participated.  I ate candy and Coke's for lunch and dinner, if I was working, was McDonald's.  So, yeah. I had a great diet in high school.  Looking back I am so thankful for my genetics.  Because I'm sure without being blessed with a thin frame and quick metabolism, I would have gained weight.  

The first time I became aware of not being happy with myself was probably my sophomore year of college.  I got invited out to the "beach" and by beach I mean Elephant Butte in Truth or Consequences, NM.  I had a swimsuit, but I hadn't put it on in a couple of years.  I was worried that my friends would notice that my thighs rubbed together.  No one but me seemed to notice! Imagine that!

Over the next few years I felt a yearning to get back to my running roots, but I was lazy, and running took time away from the fun.  To be perfectly honest, I was also scared.  I used to be able to go out and run 3 or so miles at the drop of a hat.  I didn't want to feel like I was struggling or that it was hard.  'Cuz you know someone might notice that I was out of shape and struggling and have mean thoughts about me as they drove by.  

This was my prevailing thought that kept me from getting exercise.  

Things sorta began to change after I had my oldest.  I started walking with a friend every afternoon while our same-age babies slept in their strollers.  We were walking 5 miles a day.  But when the weather got too hot (central Texas in summer - some of you know what that's about), we stopped.  And I took another exercise hiatus until 2 years later after I had the second bambino.  Which is when the weight didn't fall.  My Mother's Day present was a treadmill.  This is what I wanted.  I knew I needed to get my arse moving, but I didn't want to do it outside.  I didn't want to struggle with a double-stroller that I didn't have.  I didn't want to annoy my children by strapping them into a stroller.  

I started walking on the treadmill.  I was even scared to run on it in the beginning.  I didn't want to set the bar too high - so I put the bar on the ground and got on the treadmill.  This eventually led to my return to running. 

But even though I was healthier than ever before, I still looked at the extra skin on my tummy from pregnancy, the lopsided bewbs from nursing 2 (and then 3) kids, the thighs that will never, rightfully so, be back to their 13yo, non-rubbing state, I looked at all these imperfections of me and didn't want to showcase them for the public.  Yes, I wear more form-fitting clothes than before I was married.  As of Sunday I will complete my fourth half-marathon in a year.  I still do not feel confident to wear a bikini, much to T's chagrin.  

So what am I exposing? Well Mish over at Eating Journey posted a picture a year ago of herself highlighting the beauty of the different parts of her body and why her body is amazing.  She did it again this year. How brave and wonderful!!

So on Twitter the hashtag #exposed was going around amongst my friends.  One even pointed out that she didn't want to see my skinny butt which, even though she didn't use these words, would make her feel worse about herself.  (Love you, Brooke!)  But we all have our fat goggles.  Our society has imprinted us with this vision of perfection in the media that we all must try and emulate, especially women but men are not immune from the pressures either.  We are all beautiful.  Our bodies do amazing things for us.  The hope is that if we focus on the positives of what our body can do for us, then the "flaws" will be less prominent in our minds. 

So here goes nothing.  *deep breath*
(No, I'm not smiling. I can't smile at the camera when it's on a timer. It's impossible.)


  1. you know the crazy mesed up thing about me? i don't own anything but bikinis.

    you, on the other hand, should go out and buy one today! :)

  2. I loved your post. Isn't it sad how society has warped us all so badly that even very fit, healthy teens think their thighs rub together and are afraid to do what they love because someone might think badly of them.

    You are beautiful. The end.

  3. LOL. I just read Brooke's comment. I agree. Get thy arse to the store and buy a bikini. Rock it in San Fran.

  4. Great post, Kirsten! Love the "full of hope" part.

    Our bodies do indeed do amazing things for us! What a great reminder.

  5. dood. if i had your body, i would so rock the bikini! there you go, hot mama!

  6. I love the "full of hope"!

    You are gorgeous! Get a frickin' bikini and own it, girl!


  7. You are amazing. Totally, awesomely amazing.

  8. You are beautiful! If I had your tummy, I would be rocking a bikini! I love how you exposed yourself in the post before the picture too! Love you girl!

  9. Ditto on buying a bikini. Your body is amazing. And you are amazing. What a deep, well written post. It amazes me that even skinny people (umm, yes, that would be *you*) have fat goggles. It makes me sad because this isn't how it's supposed to be! We're supposed to embrace and love ourselves where we are. Again, beautiful...the post and you.

  10. Have I said lately how much I love my date? Well, I do. You are awesome. Period.

  11. You look damn good girl. That's all there is to it.

    Oh and I wish I had those abs. :)
    xoxo So gald you posted this!!

  12. Good God, lady. I love you. You know that right?

    You are amazing and powerful and SUCH an inspiration to all us runners out here.

  13. Vision of imperfection. You really hit that nail on the head. We are all so hard on ourselves. You are amazingly awesome and you are going to rock that race on Sunday. I'm so proud of you!

  14. Love this! I definitely agree that you should go out and get a bikini. You would totally rock it!

  15. Love this post and I agree with everyone, you need to buy a bikini.

  16. PPH this post! You are amazing both inside & out!!!

  17. Yes, you must buy a bikini today. Shit, maybe I'll buy one and give it to you next time you visit! You look amazing, and you are amazing. So amazing in fact that I love you to pieces (two pieces, hint hint).

    p.s. I think thighs are supposed to rub together. For real. At least a little, unless you're completely bow-legged.

    I love you!

  18. OMG, get a bikini! immediately! you look fantastic, and you are beautiful!

  19. I agree go get a bikini and flaunt it! This post was amazing and I loved reading it! Thank you for sharing!

  20. I agree buy a bikini you are beautiful! I love the full of hope! You are amazing great post!

  21. I am speechless... even after a second read. I have admired your athletic abilities since the first time we met and am inspired daily by your mad running skills. But this... this vulnerability and this ability to be so, so authentic... THIS is why I am so proud to call you my friend and proud of who YOU are.

    I am always amazed by the fact that ALL of us have body image issues. Thank you for sharing your heart and thank you for being so true to who you are!

    While I agree with everyone in their thoughts that you should run out and get yourself a bikini, my prayer for you is that the day comes SOON that you WANT to run out and get one - No doubt you can rock it!

    Love you hooker!

  22. You've ran 4 1/2 marathons in a year, given life to three babies...that is amazing. TOTALLY AMAZING!

    Thank you SO much for joing the exposed movement!!!

  23. Definitely buy the bikini!! You would get stares from all the maybe your hubby wouldn't really want you to get the bikini! But anywhoooo, you are indeed a beautiful woman...inside and out!

  24. Okay, so yes I am just catching up on 3 weeks worth of your blog. But seriously, if my abs look that great after having babies, I'll be ecstatic. But I was just thinking yesterday about how I can't wait to start being able to work out again because I miss "feeling" healthy and strong. And despite how you may feel about how you look, I know you feel healthy and strong. And that's a big deal.


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