
Had you asked me 5 years ago where I would be in fall 2010 I would *never* have guessed.  I would have no way in aych-ee double hockey sticks would I be back "home".

If you had asked me 3 years ago how I felt about being home, I would have told you that I was adjusting.

If you had asked me 2 years ago if some of my staunchest allies would be people I had yet to meet, I would have cocked my head to the side and given you a funny look.

But today, here I sit.  In my hometown.  A place I once swore I would never want to move back to.  A place I didn't think was right for my girls.

My girls, in the year 2010, will turn 10, 8, and 5.  When did I get to be the mother of a 10-year-old?

When would I have ever thought that I would be planning trips around running races?

If you had asked me one year ago if I would willing sign myself up and train to run a marathon, I'd have told you that you were crazy.

And yet, all of these things have happened.  And I have too many too count pictures that show the last 3+ years of it all.  Right here because of the bloggy world and twitter.

I'm a lucky girl.


  1. I think that you are doing a great job being a mom, being in your hometown and living the best life you can. You go girl!!!

  2. You are a very lucky girl and it's nice that you realize it.

  3. Beautiful post! Like Nancy and Lissa said, you are a very lucky lady!

  4. Put me in the "I'll kick your ass if you mess with Kirsten" corner. Love you!

  5. Somehow I feel I'm in the same boat. (Minus the kids.) But all in all, not a bad place to be. :)

  6. isn't life crazy sometimes? And I agree that you are pretty lucky. :)

  7. Whoa. A ten year old?! How old are you? JUST KIDDING!


  8. amazing how life changes. and how this great big online world affects all of us.

    and for the record ... you are a rockstar!!

  9. It truly is an amazing thing isn't it?

  10. and i consider myself lucky to have "met" you...and to be meeting you for reals this january!!


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