Pick Me!

The Sisterhood as you may or may not know is very near and dear to my heart.  They have helped me in the last 2 years to be consistent with my exercise and gain confidence in my own skin.

Last year all (?) of the contributors and writers went to this little conference in Baltimore called FitBloggin. They had a blast.  They had experiences and met people who have helped them make The Sisterhood a better place.  

FitBloggin '11 is going to be bigger and better - and again in Baltimore, which is a city I love.  The Sisterhood is giving away a ticket to the conference along with $100 cash for expenses related to attending.   In order to be entered to win, I have to vlog.  So I did.  (Hopefully this works!)

My life is crazy.  I've said many times that I didn't think attending FitBloggin was possible.  But if I win, I will go.  I will figure it out and be there to share in the experience.  *crossing fingers*

Good luck to everyone who is entering!


  1. Yea! I finally have some competition! Your vlog cracked me up. Way to make it work, hooker!

  2. FIRST!

    Great video Kirsten! I loved that even though I couldn't see your face I could still tell when you were smiling and there was even a time you had a look on your face like you were already making mischievous plans. If you make them and I'm not invited I'm going to be very upset :) Good luck on the contest!

  3. AWESOME!!! OMG I hope you win so bad. I want you to come! I want you to come!!! You did an awesome vlog, girl. I love you!

  4. I loved your vlog!!!! Great job, hooker.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Oh, I hope you get to go! I read about it and it sounds awesome! I will not read anymore, because i will be too jealous!

  7. I miss you. That is all.

  8. LOVE it! LOL I have to say though, I think my favorite part was seeing all the times you were licking your finger to flip the pages. ;)

    Love you!! xoxo

  9. You TOTALLY should get picked! I'd love to go, but its just not in the plan for next year :( sad face. You go and rock it girl!!!


  10. This is the PERFECT vlog for you and now I'm not going to do one because I want you to win. :)

  11. Cute! And drinks! We didn't drink in San Fran so hopefully we bit get to go and the drinking will commence!


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