2010 - A Day in the Life - week 44

Dang! It looks like there are 8 weeks left to the year. What with there being 52 in every year, right? My how time flies when you're the mother of three kids.  Hell, time flies the older you get.  See that? The older *you* get.  Not me.  'Cuz I'm not getting older.  To prove my point I'm not posting any pictures this week because if I did that, then you'd know I made it through another 7 days and with that I'd be 7 days older.  Hmm. I guess the fact that I'm typing this and posting this also proves that.  Okay. Here are this week's pictures.
My princess fairy w/o her wings enjoying fresh spun cotton candy.

My awesome new running gloves. 
Can't wait for the next cold day to wear them.  Probably Tuesday night.

Beautiful day to be at the park before swim club practice.

New books bought at a Usborne book fair held to support the gymnastics team.

I'm pretty sure I posted a picture like this last year about this time. 
I love the colors of fall on streets of the oldest parts of town. 

And then there's the color of the oak leaves on the tree in our backyard. 

Scrapbooking some running memories.


  1. Great pictures, as usual~and those gloves, they wouldn't be from Costco would they? I have a pair that look exactly like those :)

  2. your princess fairy is adorable! I also love the fall picture (down the street.) SO pretty.

    And, really, 8 weeks left? That's just crazy.


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