2010 - A Day in the Life - week 47

The sky from my front porch.


The Sierra Nevada's with snow.


Love the trees and clouds up against the blue sky.


My girl front flipping!


The hills near my parent's house covered in fresh snow. 


My newest addition from Build-a-Bear. 
This is my "replacement" for my "Mommy Monkey" that Sweet Pea lost. :(
No one gets to touch Bun. 

insert picture of me post 20 miles
Unfortunately no picture happened because I was too pissed at myself 
for dropping and losing my phone on my run. 


  1. Beautiful sky photos! I think I'm going to miss CA skies. With so much humidity here, skies just aren't quite the same.

    Wow on that front flip!!

  2. No! You lost your phone on the run?! I'm so sorry to hear that! The worst part is, on a 20 miler, you are pretty focused, so you would really have NO idea where/when it was lost. Great pics otherwise though, and congrats on the run!

  3. ugh - I'm so sorry that you couldn't find your phone. :(

    The rest of your week looked great, though. I love the snow pictures. Though I'm nowhere near ready for snow, it's nice to look at photos from other areas! (please don't send it my way.)

  4. the snow is gorgeous :)

    so i'm guessing you weren't able to drive your route to look for the phone?


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