
As wind has continued to howl on and off all weekend, I'm annoyed.  This storm was supposed to be done by today.  They are predicting more snow tomorrow.  I love winter.  I love the snow.  But I have a 10-mile training run to do tomorrow.  I have this sneaking suspicion that I'm doing it on the treadmill.  I'm not happy about this.  At all.  I haven't run continuously more than 3 miles on the treadmill in who knows how long.  10 miles? That's like an hour and 40 minutes.  *sigh* If there was no moisture on the ground, I'd totally run in the cold outside in the dark, but I'm not going to risk life and limb (literally) to run outside in the dark on slippery surfaces.  That's just asking for trouble.  All I know, is it better clear up for my first 20 miler on Saturday.

But the good (?) news is that my parents will be taking the kids Wednesday night so T and I can get up at butt-ass crack of dawn to drive to Reno for a 10k Turkey Trot.  It's supposed to be a whopping 7 degrees Thursday morning and then not even hit 30 degrees for the high.  I think I will get a new PR for a 10k because I will be haulin' in order to get it done! Luckily that's supposed to be my tempo run, so haulin' ass is okay.

But 10 miles on the treadmill....ugh.


  1. That does sound painfully dull, but better than injury so it sounds pretty good.

    7 degrees is dumb.

  2. UGH! that stinks!! can you set up tv or computer to watch some good tv while running?? that's the only thing that keeps me going on it.

  3. I think a good movie or tv show is the only thing that would get me through 10 miles on a treadmill. Good luck with your run!

  4. Treadmill workouts kill me too. I agree though, DON"T kill yourself on bad roads! I will be indoors most of the week too, especially since hubs will be home later, and I'd have to do DARK + COLD + SLICK. which almost sounds better than the treadmill! Good luck on the run!

  5. I agree with the idea to watch a good movie. Put in your favorite and tread away.

    Good luck at your Turkey Trot.


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