Droid vs. iPhone

*sigh*  So my droid miraculously disappeared last weekend on the first 10-mile lap of my 20-mile run.  This made me incredibly sad and over the top pissed at myself.  I'm still not sure how it fell out of the pouch at a point where I hadn't even touched the pouch.  It's hard to believe that I was so distracted by the snow that I didn't put it away properly when I hit 'start' on Runkeeper.  It truly boggles my mind.

But this post is less about my incompetence and more about a decision I need to make.  Well, me and T, but I'm trying to decide if it's worth the cash or not.

My debate stems from the fact that I was due for my "new every two" phone this past spring and I happily decided on a Droid.  I have friends who had them and loved them.  I was over my Blackberry Pearl and I was so excited to be getting something new.  To be honest I was hoping that Verizon was going to be getting an iPhone this past spring and I was holding out hope for that.  But the Droid lovers won me over.

T, some time last winter (probably about this time last year), had his Blackberry screen die on him, so he *had* to get a new phone.  We've never paid for the monthly insurance on the phones, but now I'm thinking it might not be such a bad deal.  With Verizon if you're not due for your "new every two" and you don't have insurance, you pay full retail price for the phone.  Which is literally hundreds of dollars more than the deals they always advertise.  But what choice did he have? He needed it for work.  He chose the "Bold" over the "Curve" and has hated that decision ever since.

So he's been wanting to throw his BB out the window at least 5/7 days a week for the past year.  So I was looking forward to him being eligible to get a new phone in the first half of next year.  And since he has a BB, we've been paying the $30/month for the internet service...which he rarely uses because it locks up on every.single.time he uses it.

So Sunday we start making some calls to VZN.  This is what we find out.  I'm eligible for a new phone now, but he's not until November 2011.  Can you figure that one out? Because I'm stumped.  I got a new phone less than a year ago and I'M eligible but he's not.

So I start looking at other options.  Specifically the iPhone and ATT.  This is what I've found out.  The plans would basically be the same amount.  We could probably make it a bit cheaper now that T's not going to be headed to Boise once a month for the Guard.  But in order to get out of VZN we would have to pay termination fees.  Mine would be $100 and T's would be $240.  Again, because supposedly I've had my 2-year contract longer than T has had his.  (Which, if you didn't see above, is total crap.)

So my dilemma is do we fork over the termination fees and give ATT a shot with the iPhone? (And I got 50/50 from Twitter last night on whether we *should* do the 3GS or the 4 if we go ATT.)  Or just fork over the cash for two new Droids through VZN and keep wondering when the hell we are eligible for "new every two" since that "two" is just a pretty rough estimate.  This is a point of contention for me.  It makes me very angry with VZN.

The other thing that keeps bringing me back to the Droid and sticking it out with VZN is the fact that with the Android OS I don't have to worry about updates or losing my calendar.  It does it all by itself.  So even though I lost my phone Saturday, I could just go to my computer and look at my calendar.  Even though it's not with me everywhere I go, it does exist.  With the iPhone am I going to faithfully plug it into my MacBook to keep my calendar up to date? Maybe I'd do it more because the iPhone and the MacBook will like each other.  I rarely did it with my BB because Macs and BB don't really play well together.

Bottom line - my old BB Pearl is driving me crazy.  T's BB is driving him crazy.  If we don't *need* the iPhone 4 it would be cheaper to go with ATT, otherwise getting two droids through VZN would be cheaper than getting two 4's.

And have I mentioned lately that the State of Nevada is planning on cutting T's pay even more come next year? Yep, so finances do have to be considered.  But I'm spiteful.  It's been 14 years since ATT ticked me off.  Maybe it's time to swap my grudge against them for a grudge against VZN.


  1. I don't blame you for being mad at VZN. Or at least frustrated ('cuz it sounds like they have the two of you mixed up, so it might be that in the end you'd owe the same amount if you both got new phones, but they should at least know who is who, right?)

    I'm mad at Apple for their deal with ATT, so I ruled out the iPhone on general principle. However, there *are* other Android phones on other networks...I think there's even an ATT one. So, you could still have your Android OS without VZN if you're totally pissed at them. Sadly, I can't chime in on how well the other Android phones work, tho.

  2. i can offer you no advice. AT&T requires a internet package to get the standard "new every two" so i opted for an online free phone instead. which i promptly (about 2 months in) killed with boobie sweat.

    i'm currently using my cousin's razr circa 2005 and hoping it holds out until March when I'm due for a new phone. I dare not hold my breath hoping for an IPhone.

  3. You know my stance :) Actually, we've been with AT&T for so long, that we've never considered switching. Had VZN offered an iphone, we might have. AT&T's coverage isn't as good as VZN where I live, but the areas I am at most of the time (with the exception of school-my office is a bunker and nuclear radiation couldn't get in here) I have 3G coverage and great phone reception.

    It certainly wouldn't hurt to shop around other carriers and other phones, too. Hopefully you find something soon that makes you both happy and doesn't break the bank.

    Good luck!

  4. My brother is so, so, so happy with his Droid, as are other friends of mine that have the Droid. (I have iPhone friends too, but I honestly don't talk to them very much.)

    The new every two is really supposed to be a new phone every 20 months (maybe 18 months? Last time I upgraded, it was 20 months). And you're right. It makes no sense why you're eligible and the other line isn't.

    I found out that when I get my Droid (next May!) I'll be able to Skype with my brother....which makes me want the Droid even more now.

    That said, I've checked the pricing and for us, VZN is the cheaper route. I have a husband who refuses to do the fun internet-y stuff on his phone, so we just have the basics for him.

  5. i love love love my droid. i have a new iPod and an iPad, but i still prefer the droid as my phone.

    first of all, we have never had an apple product that didn't crap out on a regular basis. our one and only macbook died exactly 13 months after we bought it (a month after the warranty expired). my iPad doesn't get a wifi signal 98% of the time. my iPod locks up constantly. i have NO idea why we keep buying the stuff.

    and i've heard terrible things about iPhones losing signals and powering down for no reason. i've wanted one FOREVER, but the bottom line is ... i have yet to have an issue with my droid.

    so while i'm not brand loyal, i will not get an iPhone after having my droid.

    just my 2 cents.


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