
I've been remiss in sharing this awesome news.  Remember that dream I had last week? You know the one about how I *didn't* get randomly chose for the free ticket to FitBloggin'11 in Baltimore?

Well Saturday the 30th was the date of the drawing.  I was having a nice relaxing evening with the family watching movies and becoming one with the cough.  I figured that whoever at The Sisterhood who was in charge of picking the winners was going to do it and post the winner at like midnight east coast time.  I don't know, because they're mean and want you to wait.

So in between movies I went to check my phone and low and behold I get *this* short and sweet email from Christy.

How come you aren't on Twitter, skank?

It looks like I *might* be headed to Baltimore in May! Woot! And squeee! And all that jazz.  I'm thrilled.  Now I just need to work my tail off extra hard (you know, 'cuz normally I'm a slacker and don't get anything done. ever) so I can afford the plane ticket to BWI.  And food.  And maybe enough for a drink or two.  Because I *know* there will be some booze...if I know my SAHs.  


  1. What's this *might* talk. You will be there if I have to stuff you in MY suitcase! Cuz, to refuse a winning ticket AND the cash would just be rude. You don't want to be rude. IJS.

    Can't wait to hang with you again in Baltimore!

  2. I will buy you a drink or two, skank. ;p

  3. I'll send you some cash If I have to missy. There is no "might" in this equation. You won a ticket with cash to Fitbloggin and you are going. Period!!

  4. The *might* was a bit sarcastic in nature. FYI. But yes, I will be working my tail off between now and then. But I'll take Lissa up on those drinks! As long as they aren't those crazy Irish car bomb things you and ChristieO had in SD. And a big effin' WOOT for seeing/meeting all the sisters that will be there.

  5. I picked the name and I'm the nice one! REMEMBER???


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