Flying on a jet plane

to Phoenix.  Well not now, obviously.  But earlier today.  And the fun surprise was that my parents on their return trip from Mexico were flying through Phoenix on their way back to Nevada.  So I got to hang out with them for 45 minutes or so before I needed to collect my baggage and meet Tiffany!  I thoroughly enjoyed dinner at Tiffany's with her family.  Her husband cooks a mean spaghetti and meatballs.  And her boys? Precious and adorable and noisy and so much a reminder of my the good ways.  And you can always appreciate the preciousness and adorableness and less notice the noisy-ness of other people's progeny rather than your own.

And speak of progeny.  I am so thrilled to say that the other Tiffany (the one who was pregnant - obviously, the one who I did a shot of alcohol for back in April, the one who loves my kids almost as much as I do) finally had her baby boy, Samuel.  He's adorable and I can't wait to sniff his head...when she's ready for three, loud, obnoxious girls to come visit.  Notice I didn't say four obnoxious girls...because I'm not obnoxious. :)  So go send her some love.  It was a long labor, but the fruits of that labor are deliciously snuggle-able and squeezable and all things newborn.

So for now, it's off to bed.  I'm pooped.  Long days of conferences coming up and then my middle girl turns 8.  Man, the days are flying too fast.


  1. OH, how I wish I could have hung out with you and Tiffany at the same time- how fun would that be?

    I am chugging chocolate milk right now!!!


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