Monday Update

Monday is such a harsh reality after 4 days off.  Well, in my case I haven't had any work since Tuesday.  Which is awesome and yet sucks because no work = no money.  But whatever.  It was a long weekend filled with family and friends and shopping.  I have yet to find a present for T, but I have an idea.  He hasn't been reading here lately, but I'm sure the minute I say something about a present, he'll decide to get a wild hair and pop on over to have a peak.

This week is less intense than last.  I've got to get the girls back on track with their school work.  I haven't been riding them as closely, and they've been taking advantage of that.  Time to turn back into mean school mommy.

We have the normal schedule of kid stuff and work.  I do have a board meeting tomorrow night, which will eat into my work time.  Fortunately I know there isn't a whole lot on the agenda, so hopefully I'll be home before it's too late.  I'm hoping to have lots of work because of my Black Friday shopping mixed with planning Sweet Pea's 5th birthday party.  And Christmas. Let's not forget about Christmas.

Also? T's application for the job in Spain (did I mention that here?) has been passed onto the next level.  He hasn't heard anything yet other than an email update.  I'm curious how it will all pan out.  I'm conflicted on so many levels, but what an awesome opportunity.

I wish you all a wonderful Cyber Monday!


  1. Happy Monday! I'm sure the Spain thing, if it's meant to be, will pan out in it's own time. Have a lovely week!

  2. Did you say SPAIN??? Woah, that's far. Hooker retest in England anyone? HA!


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