
There once was a time when I had things under control.  I was prepared.  I had my ducks in a row.  I'm not sure what happened, but I think it has to do with kid #3.  Not her specifically.  But since her arrival almost 5 years ago, (holy crap! my baby's almost 5!) I can't seem to get it together.

Take for instance two years ago.  I was looking for a crafty idea for the oldest's 8th birthday.  (Come to think of it, maybe it's just the "8th" birthday that has me stumped.)  I found one.  At Oriental Four days before the party.  So I spent more on shipping than I did on the cute color-your-own bags.  Poor planning on my part.

So here I am one day past another 8th birthday and 2 days before the party and I have nothing.  And between now and then I'm scheduled to run 19 miles, work, oversee school work, chauffeur to *many* activities, make cupcakes, hopefully get a hair cut because you can call me "Shaggy" right now, and some how make it out to Michael's or Joann's to hopefully find some relatively inexpensive for 5 girls plus 2 for my other two non-birthday girls.

Yes, it's my fault.  I should have done it last week when I wasn't hacking up a lung.  Before I went out of town for four days.  Before this snow storm that is supposed to hit right when I'm supposed to be running 14 miles outside.  Before it was last minute and I probably won't find the kind of thing that strikes my fancy.

But that's my fault.  I dropped the ball.  Hopefully I can find the ball and gain control over it before I let down my girl.


  1. How about something food-craft related, like dipping pretzel rods in chocolate or candycoat and rolling in various sprinkles. Or buy cheap t-shirts and puff paint.

    Needless to say, I never planned anything for any kids parties. I am the least crafty person you will ever meet.

    Good luck! And I hope you get your run in before the blizzard :)

  2. I like the food-craft related idea! I wish I had more ideas, but I think for my b-day parties, my parents put together food, cake and balloons and we kids were otherwise left to entertain ourselves together.

    But along the food-craft idea, I don't know if this is a little beyond 8yos, but these look like fun:


    Check out the owl pops towards the bottom:

  3. Having a third kid has sent me into the land of crazies, procrastination, and always being late. I was hoping you were going to tell me it gets better, like when my youngest is no longer a toddler. Please give me a ray of hope....

  4. I am so with you on this. I am HORRIBLE and so behind on EVERYTHING.

  5. Yeah, I feel the same way and I only have two. It always feels like something is left undone.

    What are you doing for cake? Can you have them decorate their own cupcakes?

    Or download something off the internet?

    Or skip the craft, set up a video camera and let them make their own video? You can cut it to a CD later and give it to the girls after the fact?

  6. There is so much pressure on young mothers today and not from outsiders but from themselves. You ask yourselves to be on top of everything all the time and you forget that you're human. So you got behind. Just do what you have to do to make it okay. I found out when I had my sixth, that you do what you have to do whether you have one or six. People said they couldn't handle six but they'd find out they could once they had them. Anyway, happy birthday to your eight-year-old that looks most like you. She's a lucky little girl!

  7. My life spiraled out of control after child #2. I cannot imagine how I would fair with another one. And I'm with Bari - not crafty. :(


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