
Guess what I get to do Saturday? You'll never guess.  It's the day after my first 18-miler.  So I'm sure I will be sore.  But I get to go on a trip.  By myself.  Which is awesome.  Even though I will miss T because it's been nice having him around the last few months.  It took some adjustment.  Just as when he was gone for 6-8 weeks at a time over the last few years was an adjustment.  And the kids haven't been making my blood pressure rise quite as often, so I might actually miss the little buggers.

I'm headed to Phoenix on Saturday for a conference that starts Sunday afternoon and goes through Tuesday.  But my wonderful friend Tiffany lives down there and I get to hang with her Saturday night.  And then Sunday morning we get to get up and cheer on TheaChristy and Lisa and ChristieO.  Thea is participating in her 2nd (?) 10k in D.C.  Christy and Lisa are participating in the Rock-n-Roll San Antonio half marathon.  I'm so proud of the strides (pun intended!) that Lisa has made since RnR San Diego.  She made the effort to find out how to make herself better so she could run and not have pain.  She's gonna rock San Antonio.  Christy, I'm equally proud of.  Though her race isn't what she imagined it to be when she signed up for it.  But she will rock San Antonio in her own way.  I'm betting there will be celebratory drinks between the two of them.  And Ms. ChristieO will be completing her very first half-Ironman in Miami Sunday morning.  She talks about it here.  Go visit her.  Show her some support if you haven't already.  (And since I told you to do it yesterday, I expect that you already have.)

(P.S. Elaine is running her first 10k Saturday morning and has lost 25 pounds! She's featured over at the Sisterhood because she's awesome like that.)

I'm looking forward to this conference.  It's about K-12 online learning.  I'm hoping to learn a lot.

And when I get back, I will be that much closer to having an 8-year-old on my hands.  Heaven help me.


  1. Good luck on that 18-miler. WHOA.

    I wish I was flying down to hang with you girls, too. :(

  2. Sounds like a great weekend! Enjoy!

  3. I've been reading your blog for quite a while and knew you "schooled at home" but didn't realize you used K12 too! We LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! How about you? I run a little too. Of course, not as far or as quickly as you :)
    Thanks for sharing your life, it's fun to read!!


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