Tuesday's goals

It should be no surprise that my week is packed.  It's the week of Thanksgiving and the whole training thing.  Which is being thrown for a loop because of a snow storm and slippery roads.  So today I must get a couple of things accomplished. 

  1. Make one, hopefully two, batches of dinner rolls for dinner on Wednesday and the turkey day festivities on Thursday.
  2. Run 10 miles on the treadmill.  I'm thinking I may break this up into two 5-milers.  I don't really have the chunk of time to do it all at once and hopefully breaking it up will help me with the dreadmill aspect. 
  3. Appointment with the chiropractor this afternoon. 
  4. Start hydrating the heck out of myself because I've been slacking.  And I'm going to run a cumulative of 36 miles this week.  (I also realized after completing what I thought was 10 out of 14 miles on Saturday that really I was supposed to have done 16.)
I'm not even going to think about what Wednesday or Thursday or even Friday has in store.  It will mostly be fun, but sometimes fun can be exhausting.  


  1. staying positive (even if it means avoiding) helps :)

    have a wonderful holiday!!

  2. your list just exhausted me, but I agree that staying positive will help you the most!

  3. Definitely stay positive and focused. Like Lisa said, you're a bad ass runner mutha AND an inspiration. :)

  4. Embrace the insane time of year, right!? I have broken up treadmill workouts as well. Or? Try an audio book, sometmes it helps to listen to something other than music!

  5. i'm not very good at hydrating. we need to work the buddy system and terrorize the other if we're not doing as we ought


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