She's 5.

My Sweet Pea at 4 hours old. 
Oh, man, did my heart explode that day. 

And now I have this

And it continues to explode

Most of the time with sweetness

and laughter

And vogue-ing

And sometimes it explodes from the sassy

But I love this girl. 
And she's 5. 
Hold me.

And when you try to get a picture of 3 girls? 
This is what you get. 


  1. LOL! Her face in that last picture is AWESOME!!

    Happy Birthday, little girl!

  2. Love it! Happy Birthday, Sweet Pea! :)

  3. ohmigod i love it!! happy birthday sweet girl! (how does this go so quickly? hold me too.)

  4. I saw your tweet that she was 5! She is adorable! Did you take her home at 4 hours old? Rockstar!

  5. Seriously I remember the day she was born like it was almost yesterday... Where did the time go?

  6. She's a star, your 5 year old!!

  7. She's SUCH a cutie Kirsten! Can you bring them ALL back to see me please? Oh and you too... xo

  8. It's amazing how quickly babies become five, isn't it? Happy Birthday!


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