
This past weekend had a very full schedule.  Essentially every minute was spoken for between 9 am Saturday morning and 6 pm Sunday evening.  When I looked at what I had planned and scheduled, it freaked me out.  I don't normally do that to myself because I know better.  I hate feeling hurried and late.  It overwhelms me and then I'm not a happy person to be around.  Mix in the "stress of the holidays" and I was expecting to not enjoy my weekend as much as I should.

But yesterday? It dawned on me.  I must have awesome friends or something, because even after everything was over, I never once felt overwhelmed.  Those that I surround myself with love me no matter what.  I don't need to impress them with a perfectly clean house.  We can all sit around my living room, on the floor even, and eat, drink and be merry.  Birthday parties for the preschool set don't have to be overwhelming.  They can be short and sweet and fun and enjoyed by all.  (Granted it can be expensive, but whatever, my baby only turns 5 once.)

My weekend was packed, but not once did I feel in over my head.  Not once did I want to pull my hair out or pour a really big drink.  Heck I was good and didn't join in the drinking festivities for Sweet Pea's party at our house Saturday evening.

Next weekend is decidedly less crazy.  Sunday was going to be a "not get out of our pj's" kind of day, but I just found out my niece's birthday party will be Sunday afternoon.  So we will get out of our pj's, but not until 2:30 pm.  This girl needs a down day.  The plan? Hang out in bed reading and drinking coffee.  Maybe make some Christmas cookies to share.  Get packed for our quick trip to Idaho next week to pick up our half of a beef and meet Tiffany's little man.

So I guess my point is that I realized that I stress for no reason sometimes.  Life happens and we can only do our best.  And if we embrace that?  We will enjoy our time with family and friends. No matter the season.


  1. I have found myself telling myself the same things lately. My busy, busy weeks? Just take it one step at a time and don't stress. Makes it so much better.

  2. I'm really trying to be conscious of the fact that my stress level is not caused by my full schedule. It's caused by my reaction to a full schedule.

    Enjoy your PJ Day!

  3. Well said. It's how I'm trying to be as well. Baby steps. And, as Thea said, how we react - cuz sometimes I over-react, ok a lot.


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