You Capture - Outside


So it's been a while since I participated in You Capture.  Frankly, I've missed it, but I haven't felt inspired. I'm barely taking a picture-a-day - even though I can hardly believe that we are down to the last few weeks of the year.  Amazing. I can't wait to go back and see all of them.

But this week's you capture was "outside".  I've got this one.  It's snowed and been sunny and the sky has had clouds.  In other words beautiful.  Here are my favorites.

See the steam rising off the fence? 
And the yellow lichen up against the snow? 
And the blue sky? 
Makes me happy.

Sunsets are so pretty here. 

So check out Beth's place at I Should Be Folding Laundry for more beautiful outside pictures.  


  1. Your first photo (while great) looks SO COLD!

  2. Beautiful! I actually participated this week too - first time in ages. It posts tomorrow. :)

  3. I think you have more snow than us right now! Beautiful pictures as always :)

  4. The perspective on that first shot is way cool. Glad you participated this week! And I can't believe the year in pics is almost over too. Although I'm WAY behind on updating my blog for them... ugh.

  5. Your fence picture is quite pretty. I like the angle.

  6. Dude. I love, LOVE that first picture. Seriously. Love.

  7. Oh my goodness! So happy we have connected. We lived in Dayton for many many years before moving down here about 4 years ago. Loved it up there. Just the right amount of weather. Thanks for stopping by. Wish we were still up there to share in your snow.

  8. The first photo is a winner. I don't know why -- it just gets me. :)

  9. Beautiful photos, I love the contrast of the yellow lichen in the first one! Lovely!

  10. Even though you haven't been inspired to participate in You Capture, you're going to have to do it anyway because pictures like these inspire all of us (and make us long to live where you live). That sunset is breathtaking and your first picture is such a work of art. There are so many aspects to it and it's so beautiful!


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