2011 - A Day In The Life - Week 1

Saturday - 1/1
Beki made her first Build-A-Bear! 
Yes, I'm a bad influence.

Sunday - 1/2

Me and Beki in my front yard right before she and her fam left. 
It was great to see her again. 

Monday 1/3

"Hopes and Wishes, Smiles and Dreams"
This is my attempted outlook for the year. 

Tuesday 1/4

Yes, this is gross.  I had ear candling done for the first time. 
This was the result of one ear. 

Wednesday 1/5

The frosty/snowy pine tree in my front yard.

Thursday 1/6

Sweet Pea coloring pictures on the couch. 

Friday 1/7

T and I on the road to the airport headed for Disney!

Saturday 1/8
I got to have breakfast with these ladies! 
Pretty dang lucky if you ask me.


  1. what a great week! Love the pine tree covered in snow.

  2. Looks like a good week! Except for the ear candle. That just looks gross.

  3. Do I want to know what ear candling is?

  4. Ok I'd like to know if ear candling helped because I've actually considered it.

    Loved having breakfast with you. Did you enjoy watching me drink my Diet Coke? ;)

  5. What the hell is ear candling? Did that come from YOUR ear?!!!!

    Love your pics : ).

  6. I have never built a bear. Do they have giraffes?

  7. There needed to be a warning before the earwax picture - I'm eating lunch here, date!

    @april - looks like they have one on the website right now, but be careful because they do retire animals, so it may disappear after a bit.


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