2011 - A Day In The Life - Week 4

Sunday - 1/23
Sweet Pea left her jacket on the floor.  I asked her to hang it up.
She hung it here. 
Not exactly what I was expecting, but she did what I asked. 
*mental note: be more specific*

Monday 1/24  

This is a lot of work. 
I completed most of it on my own. 
It took 13-14 hours between Monday *and* Tuesday to finish it. 
The good part? Beaucoup bucks.

Tuesday 1/25

My two youngest in the tree in my parents' back yard.

Wednesday 1/26

I was out for the evening and came home to this. 
Two kitties in the window. 

Thursday 1/27

OMG! Fractions are hard. 
They tested my patience this week.  
Well fractions didn't.  The 10yo learning them did. 

Friday 1/28

After the week of fractions I needed this drink. 
Sweet Tea Vodka, baby!

Saturday 1/29

Was playing with my camera. 
This was taken in manual mode. 
So proud of myself for spending the time messing with it all. 


  1. looks like a great week in photos!!

  2. That first photo made me laugh. :) Great week of photos!

  3. Ooooh, LOVE LOVE LOVE the kitty shot!

  4. That 1st photo of the girls looks like cool old-school stuff. Very neat. And, I know that kittens grow up, but seriously when did Pumpkin get so big??? She's the same size as Bear! Guess that means I haven't been to visit it forever, huh?


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